Click the description above to watch Brett explain how peace of mind and time are more valuable than trying to get a little more money from the sale of your home.
What’s more valuable than money???? It’s time?? My first question to ask is, at what cost. Yes, you can get more money but are you willing to put in the work, the time, and the money to try and get more, “try” is the key word. Often times sellers hold out and try to squeeze out as much as they can from their home, but what I see time and time again is wasted time, frustration, in the end the seller doesn’t walk away with more, often times it’s actually less. Here’s why, time is a valuable commodity, and it costs money to own a home. There are repairs, insurance, taxes, utilities, all of them can eat away at some or all of your profits. If you add a real estate agent on top of that you have to pay a 6% commission to the buyer and seller, in addition to that, you never know what you are going to get prior to closing. What do I mean?? The agent may will ask to do repairs, and repairs take time, and what takes even more time is screening and finding a contractor who charges a reasonable rate and can do the work in a timely fashion. If you can find both, what happens if you don’t have the money to do all the work to the home, what next? When you do get the home finally sold 2-3 months later, a buyer can re negotiate, they can walk away, they can demand repairs, they can ask for an inspection, these are all things you have to consider when selling a home, especially if it has significant disrepair. We can offer you peace of mind, you know exactly what you are getting, the timing, what happens before, during and after a sale, and even helping with your transition out of the home.